Presenter: Karen DeOrian, Director of School Culture and Climate; Synopsis: includes Restorative Practices (RP), Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Presenter: Jaime Brown, TSA PE Health and Nutrition; Synopsis: includes PE online resources, equipment information, and safe routes to school debrief (also refered to as pedestrian safety).
Presenter: Karina Macias; Synopsis: includes methods of support for youth programs at school sites serviced and methods of support for adult programs via MUSD Parent Resource Centers. Methods of support include student education, parent education, wellness events, and School Health Councils.
Presenter: Elia Medina, Health Education Specialist; Synopsis: includes the purpose, process, and highlights of Washington Elementary School's Walking School Bus Program and installation of sidewalks on streets surrounding the school.
Moderator: Jaime Brown, TSA PE Health and Nutrition; Synopsis: LEAs are required to have a written local wellness policy (LWP) and conduct an assessment of the policy at least once every three years. This Triennial Assessment DRAFT determines compliance with the wellness policy, how the wellness policy compares to model wellness policies, and progress made in attaining the goals of the wellness policy. The assessment is being created and revised during the 2020-2021 school year in order to ensure all WSCC model components are included on annual MUSD wellness assessments utilizing a uniform template.
Synopsis: The Healthy Schools Assessment is a subset of questions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's School Health Index that allows schools and districts to assess their health policies and programs in the areas of: Policy & Environment, Nutrition Services, Smart Snacks, Health & Physical Education, Physical Activity and Employee Wellness.
Synopsis: The Resilience in School Environments (RISE) Initiative empowers schools to create safe and supportive learning environments by developing policies and practices that improve the social-emotional health of all students and staff. This assessment tool was reviewed as a possible model that can be utilized to ensure that MUSD WSCC model components that fall under the Student and Family Support Services umbrella are represented in MUSD's Triennial Assessment Tool. A sub-committee has been created to review additional assessment tools in more detail.
Synopsis: The Quick Start Health Assessment is being utilized by all MUSD School Health Council's during the 2020-2021 school year, in lieu of the traditional Healthy Schools Assessment Guide provided by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. It is a unique tool designed to support schools and districts in prioritizing and implementing key mental, physical and social health practices as they return to learning within the context of COVID-19. The items within the assessment are evidence-based and follow recommendations outlined in the Planning for the Next Normal At School: Keeping Students, Staff and Families Safe and Healthy playbook co-authored by Kaiser Permanente, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and over 30 other contributing partners.
Synopsis: David Hernandez, Director of Community Service and Parent Resource Centers, asked for information to be shared regarding the Parent and Community Engagement Virtual conference. The conference will begin on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 @ 5:30pm with the intention to build parent-school partnerships to ensure student success. MUSD Departments and partnering organizations that fall under the WSCC Model umbrella are scheduled to present numerous workshops being held at the virtual conference.