

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Garcia

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year, Patriots!

As your new principal, I am thrilled and honored to serve the incredible staff, students, and families of Thomas Jefferson Middle School. With more than 70 years of rich history and cherished traditions, we are united in our goal to work together toward fulfilling our school’s Mission and Vision.

This year, we will focus on two key areas: Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and our Graduate Profile. Through collaboration and student engagement, we are confident we’ll see meaningful growth in student achievement.

Our school website has been designed to provide you with everything you need for the year ahead. It outlines the expectations, policies, rules, and procedures that will guide our school community. We encourage you to use it as a resource throughout the year.

As we embark on this journey together, please know that every staff member at Thomas Jefferson Middle School is here to support and value you. We are committed to partnering with you and your parents to ensure that your time at TJ is both engaging and academically challenging.

Here’s to a fantastic year ahead!