Cesar Chavez Parent Compact
It is important that families and schools work together to help students achieve high academic standards. Through a process that included teachers, families, students and community representatives, the following are agreed-upon roles and responsibilities that we as partners will carry out to support student success in school and in life.
I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:
- Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction.
- Endeavor to motivate my students to learn.
- Have high expectations and help every child to develop a love of learning.
- Communicate regularly with families about student progress.
- Provide a warm, safe, and caring learning environment.
- Provide meaningful, daily homework assignments to reinforce and extend learning.
- Participate in professional development opportunities that improve teaching and learning and support the formation of partnerships with families and the community.
- Actively participate in collaborative decision-making and consistently work with families and my school colleagues to make schools accessible and welcoming places for families to help each student achieve the school’s academic standards.
- Respect the school, students, staff, and families.
I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:
- Come to school ready to learn and work hard.
- Bring necessary materials, completed assignments, and homework.
- Know and follow school and class rules.
- Ask for help when I need it.
- Communicate regularly with my parents and teachers about school experiences so that they can help me to be successful in school.
- Limit my TV/video game time and instead study or read every day after school.
- Respect my classmates, the school, staff, and families.
I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:
- Provide a quiet time, place for homework, and monitor TV/video game access.
- Read to my child or encourage my child to read every day.
- Communicate with the teacher or the school when I have a concern.
- Ensure that my child attends school every day, gets adequate sleep, regular medical attention, and proper nutrition.
- Regularly monitor my child’s progress in school.
- Participate at school in activities such as decision-making, volunteering, and or attending school outreach meetings and parent-teacher conferences.
- Communicate the importance of education and learning to my child.
- Respect the school, staff, students, and families.
The Cesar Chavez Parent Compact is distributed through placement in every student/parent yearly handbook. The handbook is issued to every student at the time of enrollment. It is reviewed and edited at the end of every school year to reflect parent input and revisions.
Socios en Aprendizaje Compacto
Entendemos que los niños aprenden de los adultos que los aman, los cuidan y los animan. El apoyo positivo es esencial para su crecimiento y desarrollo. Estamos comprometidos a trabajar juntos para brindar a ___________________ la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje posible y aumentar sus logros.
Como estudiante me comprometo a:
- Asistir a todas las clases en línea y trabajar lo más duro que pueda en mi trabajo escolar y mis deberes.
- Hablar con mis padres sobre lo que estoy aprendiendo en la escuela.
- Pídale ayuda a mi maestro cuando no entienda algo.
- Siga las reglas de la escuela Chavez y preste atención en clase.
- Leer libros en casa y limitar el tiempo que paso viendo televisión, jugando videojuegos y usando las redes sociales.
Nombre ___________________ Firma _________________ Fecha _________________
Como padre/madre me comprometo a:
- Proporcionar un lugar tranquilo para estudiar, completar la tarea y fomentar buenos hábitos de estudio
- Asegúrese de que mi hijo asista a todas las clases en línea y hable con él sobre la escuela todos los días.
- Asista a conferencias, observe el trabajo escolar, hable con los maestros, participe en las actividades escolares, use Parent Square y el sitio web de la escuela como una herramienta de comunicación y un recurso de información..
- Anime a mi hijo/a a leer leyendo a él o ella.
- Ayudar a mi hijo a seleccionar programas de televisión que valgan la pena y limitar la actividad de los videojuegos y las redes sociales.
Nombre ___________________ Firma _________________ Fecha _________________
Como profesor/a me comprometo a:
- Proporcionar experiencias de aprendizaje interesantes y significativas basadas en los estándares del nivel de grado.
- Explicar mis metas, expectativas y sistema de calificaciones a los estudiantes y padres.
- Presente los métodos y materiales del maestro que funcionan mejor para cada estudiante.
Explique las reglas a los padres y estudiantes.
Nombre _____________________ Firma ____________________ Fecha ______________
Trabajaremos juntos para ayudar ___________________ tener éxito en la escuela.