What is Independent Study?
Independent study is an alternative to classroom instruction consistent with a local educational agency’s (LEA's) course of study and aligned with State content standards.Participation in independent study must always be the choice of the student, and the parent, guardian, or caregiver, if the child is under the age of eighteen. Independent study is an alternative education program that addresses individual student needs and learning styles. The model allows students to complete their academics outside the traditional classroom setting.
How Does Independent Study Work?
Students receive the same textbooks, digital equipment, access to online resources, and pacing of learning they would receive if they were in a traditional schoolhouse classroom.
Students receive their learning materials and assignments on a weekly basis. They complete assignments at home throughout the remainder of the week. During the week, parents/guardians/caregivers monitor their students, verifying that the work is being completed on a daily basis. Students will meet with their teachers at least once per week for a 1-hour Weekly Meeting, and may be required to participate in daily Zoom instruction for up to 1 hour per day.
What is the Time Commitment for Independent Study?
Families will enroll students in Independent Study for a time period of a minimum of the rest of the current semester, one full semester, or a maximum of one school year.
Students will receive work equivalent to the following amount of school time:
- Kindergarten = 180 minutes
- 1st - 3rd = 230 minutes
- 4th - 12th = 240 minutes
Most of this time will be spent in independent learning, supervised by the student’s family. Students may have to spend more time than that listed above in order to complete their work for the day or week. Students are expected to be at home, under parent/guardian supervision, during school hours.
How Is Attendance Calculated?
It is important to note that there are no excused absences in Independent Study. A serious illness is the only reason for late assignments, and then only if families have communicated with the school ahead of the due date. Attendance is determined by the work turned in on time. Students will receive the percentage of attendance that is equivalent to the work that is completed and submitted. At a minimum, students will need to come to school once a week for a regularly scheduled weekly meeting with the teacher, where they will turn in assignments and logs and receive new assignments and logs. They may also be required to come to school to complete local and state assessments. All transportation must be provided by the family.
Special Services
If your student is on any type of IEP or 504, please let the school administrator know. An IEP/504 Team will need to meet in order to review the IEP/504 and make a recommendation for Independent Study.