• Adult Transtion Program 

  • The Adult Transition Program serves 18-22-year-old students with developmental disabilities who have received a Certificate of Completion from high school and have a significant need for support as they transition to adulthood.  

    The Adult Transition Program aids in the development of young adults with special needs into positive, productive, and contributing members of society. 

    All students who need the Adult Transition Program are referred through the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process.  

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  • The Adult Transition Program is designed for students who need intensive instruction in functional and daily living skills.  Students receive instruction in school and community environments.  

    The Adult Transition Program provides natural opportunities for students to learn and practice adult living skills that are meaningful to students. Concepts and skills are introduced in the classroom and applied and practised in natural environments in the community.  

Last Modified on June 18, 2019