Dixieland Elementary School Counselor

  • DixielandNeutral_StaffPhoto


    Jessica Bolanos, M.S. PPS

    Email (jessicabolanos@maderausd.org)

    Telephone (559) 673-9119 Ext. 161


    Dear Dixieland Parents and Families,

    My name is Jessica Bolanos and I am the School Counselor at Dixieland Elementary School. As a MUSD Counselor, I am very committed to the academic, social/emotional, and career growth of all our students. I provide a variety of services to students, parents, and families. These services include:

    • - Individual Counseling
    • - Group Counseling
    • - Classroom Lessons on Social and Emotional Learning 
    • - Conflict Mediation
    • - Resources

    Students can be referred for counseling support by students, staff members, and parents/guardians. Parent permission is required for individual counseling or group counseling.

    Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about counseling services. I can be reached via email, telephone, or by using the Referral link, Dixieland: Counselor Referral Form



    As the School Counselor, I Believe ALL  STUDENTS...

    - Are unique, valuable, and capable of reaching their highest potential.

    - Can learn and achieve social-emotional, academic, and career success.

    - Should feel safe, supported, and encouraged at school.


    The School Counselor is an advocate for all students and the school counseling program.

