• Transfers to Furman High School

    Students wishing to transfer to Furman from other Madera Unified schools need to be referred to the district Alternative Education Placement Team that is made up of administrators and counselors from various schools. This process begins with requests from the school counselor at the school of attendance, who carries the student file to the team meeting.

    New students to our district, who have been attending alternative schools where they lived before, maybe enrolled directly at the Furman site. Students moving to Madera who were enrolled in traditional comprehensive high schools in their previous district will be required to enroll at Madera High or Madera South High, and apply for admission to Furman via the district Alternative Education Placement Team process.

    Terms of Enrollment

    1. Furman High School is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Course requirements and curriculum have been adopted by the Madera Unified School District Board of Education. Counseling and teaching staff and school resources including, but not limited to, the library, all FHS labs, R.O.P. classes, etc., are available to independent study students.
    2. The student will complete the courses listed on the reverse side of the agreement during the semester and report to his/her assigned teacher one-on-one or in small groups. Alternative methods of reporting must be pre-arranged on a basis of need. Course objectives will be consistent with MUSD guidelines. Credit is based upon the completion of assigned work and tests. The maximum number of credits earned per semester is 50, including credits earned through Work Experience and Community enrichment.
    3. The minimum amount of work to be completed each week is 5 assigned days. No assigned work will be accepted after the ADA week in which it was assigned. Assigned work may be turned in late for academic credit only. Meetings with the teacher will be scheduled according to the needs of the student. A minimum of one meeting each week is expected so that the teacher may monitor student progress. The teacher may keep a record of grades, credits, and attendance on the Student Assignment card.
    4. There are no excused absences. Serious illness is the only reason accepted for missed appointments. Parents have to contact a teacher prior to any missed appointment, to bring in and pick up new assignments. Students must attend their first meeting with the teacher or they will be dropped immediately. Any student who falls 15 days behind will be dropped, and an evaluation will be made as to whether the student should continue in independent study or return to a seat time program for his/her best interest.
    5. Students who have not passed the California High School Exit Exam WILL BE REQUIRED to attend a specific number of hours in labs/tutorials in addition to meeting with the assigned ISP teacher. 
    6. Students under 18 years old: The student is to be at home or under the supervision of the parent/guardian during the school day (8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.) and to stay away from other MUSD campuses unless authorized by FHS.
    7. The parent/guardian hereby gives permission for the student to be given standardized academic tests as needed.
    8. Students must return all books and take care of any financial obligations to MUSD prior to grades being released or records sent to other schools.
    9. This agreement acknowledges receipt of the Furman High School Parent-Student Handbook. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the information in it.
    10. This agreement acknowledges receipt of the Furman High School Course Catalog, which contains brief course descriptions, course objectives, methods of evaluation, and course materials. As courses are completed by the student, additional courses may be added by the supervising teacher as needed.
    11. This agreement informs parent/guardians that independent study is an optional, educational program in which no pupil may be required to participate. If a student is referred pursuant to Ed Code 48917 or 48915, a regular classroom offering must also have been included as an option for the student.
    12. Students must follow all the dress codes and discipline policies of MUSD.


Last Modified on February 22, 2022