

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Robyn Cosgrove

Welcome to Madera High School!  With more than 100 years of Coyote tradition, our goal is to continue to strive towards excellence and promote a positive school culture where students feel safe and welcome.  Every stakeholder, whether they are a parent, student, staff member, or community member has a significant role in accomplishing this goal at MHS. A climate of civility and respect amongst all is key to students enjoying a positive high school experience.

In the pages ahead you will find all of the information you will need to navigate yourself successfully through the coming year at Madera High School.  You will find information about athletics, expectations for your behavior, guidelines for appropriate dress, consequences for inappropriate behavior, extra and co-curricular activities, graduation requirements, college entrance requirements, and most importantly, the names of those on campus who are here to help you.

This handbook is designed to communicate the basic expectations of Madera High School so that students and parents alike understand the policies, rules, and procedures governing the way students, staff, and others relate within the high school community. We expect students and parents to become familiar with the basic ideas incorporated in this handbook.  The school staff and administration have the responsibility to ensure that all policies are administered fairly and equitably and that all members of the school community have the opportunity to be heard.

As we embark on the journey ahead, know that you are supported and valued by all of our staff members at Madera High School. We want to partner with you and your parents to make your time at MHS engaging, memorable and academically challenging.  Our goal is for you to be equipped with the 21st Century skills that are essential to become College and Career ready.  Our staff is involved both in and out of the classroom to “make a difference” and want all students to be able to graduate. I hope you will take advantage of the many activities that are offered and become an integral member of our Coyote Community. GO COYOTES!

Robyn Cosgrove