In our efforts to best place students in math courses throughout our district and to provide multiple opportunities for students to take accelerated and advanced courses in mathematics, we have put together the information below.
The Mathematics Placement Act of 2015 (SB 359) provides that “[a]ll pupils, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic background, deserve an equal chance to advance in mathematics. With the shift towards the implementation of the Common Core. State Standards for Mathematics, it is particularly important for all pupils to have access to high-quality mathematics programs that meet the goals and expectations of these standards. It is crucial for teachers and guidance personnel to advise pupils and parents on the importance of accurate mathematics course placement and its impact on future college eligibility so pupils may take each course in the mathematics course sequence.”
Placement Timeline
Multiple metrics used for placement include grade-level readiness, SBAC math, NWEA RIT math scores, previous success in math courses, and GPA (for the more advanced courses) are used to identify students for math placement. Data analysis of metrics will be reviewed each year and approved. A student list will be generated for each site based on District Placement Criteria in November using the latest assessment information. Counselors will place students into courses identified and communicate course placement to students during the course request process. An updated student list will be generated again in February utilizing semester grades and the latest assessment data. Counselors will review and revise placements and communicate to parents/students.
Middle School Math Placement
Students will be identified for a math course in grades 7 and 8 based on grade level readiness, their SBAC math and NWEA math scores from the previous year. Sixth-grade students who meet grade-level readiness and meet SBAC math and NWEA score readiness will be placed in Math 7 enhanced. Seventh-grade students who have been successful in Math 7 enhanced automatically move into Math 8 enhanced. Additional seventh-grade students may be identified for Math 8 enhanced using the latest assessments.
High School Math Placement
Students who took Math 8 enhanced and were successful will be automatically placed into Math I enhanced. Students who were not in Math 8 enhanced may be identified for Math I enhanced if they received a High average or High score on the NWEA RIT math score or a combination of Average on the NWEA RIT math score and a 3 or higher SBAC or 3.0 or higher GPA.
Students who are successful in Math I enhanced are automatically placed into Math II enhanced. Additional students may be identified using most recent assessment data from 9th grade. In the absence of current SBAC scores students either receive a High Average or high on the NWEA RIT math score or NWEA RIT math score of average and B or higher in the previous math course.
The new placement criteria allow for multiple entry points into an enhanced course between 7th and 10th grades. If students succeed in Math II, they will continue to Math III Honors/Precalc, allowing them to take AP Calculus. Students who are not enrolled in Math II enhanced may be recommended by their teacher to take Math III Honors/Precalc and will need to complete additional work through the summer to be ready for Math III Honors/Precalc.
Students and parents have the discretion to select mathematics courses in 12th grade among the options described in the MUSD Integrated Math Sequence above based on their Math III placement. These courses are assigned based on student/parent choice and not based on staff recommendation.
Challenging Placement
Students who were not identified for an enhanced math course or honors course may be recommended by their teacher or counselor who has personal knowledge of the student's academic ability. A parent/student may request to take a more rigorous course after meeting with their counselor and reviewing course criteria and expectations.
Placement Checkpoint
Within the first month of placement, if it is determined that a student is not appropriately placed, a course change request may be made as long as there is availability in the recommended course. It is highly recommended that all changes in course requests are made at the end of the spring semester before the following school year.