• Meeting Information

    Meetings will be held in person and via Zoom, a cloud-based video communication software for virtual meetings. Members of the public can view and participate in these in person and virtual meetings. Virtual meetings can be done from any electronic device (laptop, tablet, Chromebook, iPad, iPhone, etc) and from any location. To access the Zoom meeting live, you can click on the Zoom link included in the online agenda. Click here to access the Board meeting agendas.

      Información sobre la reunión

    Esta reunión se llevará a cabo en persona y a través de Zoom, una comunicación de video basada en la nube que permite a las organizaciones que mantenga reuniones virtuales. Los miembros del público pueden ver y participar en la reunión como si estuvieran presentes en cualquier otra reunión de la Junta. Esto se puede hacer desde cualquier dispositivo electrónico (computadora portátil, tableta, Chromebook, iPad, iPhone, etc.) y desde cualquier ubicación. 
    Para más información, visite este enlace (haga clic aquí).

    Public Comment

    If you would like to address the Board during the meeting time set aside for public comment, you may do so as listed below:

    Closed Session: Members of the public attending the meeting in person or virtually may provide public comment on closed session items listed on the Closed Session agenda immediately following the Call to Order of Public Meeting at 5:00 p.m.

    Open Session (Public Comment on Items Listed on the Agenda): Members of the public attending the meeting in person or virtually who wish to address the Board on items listed on the agenda may do so during the Public Hearing listed in the Communications portion of the meeting.

    Public Comment on Non-Agendized Items: Members of the public attending the meeting in person or virtually wishing to address the Board on items not listed on the agenda and within the jurisdiction of the Board may do so during the Public Hearing listed in the Communications portion of the meeting. The Board is prohibited by law from taking action on matters discussed that are not on the agenda and no adverse conclusions should be drawn if the Board does not respond to questions or comments during public comment. The Superintendent may ask staff to follow up with speakers, if appropriate.

    Members wishing to address the Board are allotted three (3) minutes per speaker. Members should state their name and indicate which item(s) or topic(s) on which they plan to comment when beginning their comments.

    The public is additionally provided an opportunity to comment during the meeting via Zoom. If the Board experiences technical difficulties with Zoom, the Board may decide to limit or not allow further comment via Zoom for the remainder of the meeting. Additionally, if technical difficulties persist, this notice advises members of the public that the Board meeting will continue without broadcasting.

    Spanish Interpretation via Zoom

    Spanish interpretation will be provided at this meeting. If you need interpretation services, please contact the Superintendent's Office at 559-675-4500 ext. 219 or 220 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, or send a message to the interpreter in the Chat box while in the Zoom meeting.

    About the Madera Unified Board of Education 

    The Madera Unified Board of Education is composed of seven Board seats, each representing a specific geographic area of the district (map as PDF). Board members serve four-year terms, and there are no term limits. 

    The Board sets policy, approves the district's budget, authorizes the spending of budgeted funds, approves employee salaries and benefits, sets policy which determines educational standards and goals, and approves curriculum. The Board also acts on the recommendations of the superintendent, who is selected by the Board to implement its plans and policies.

    Board meetings are typically held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, with some exceptions in July, November and December (view meeting schedule). Meetings are typically held in the Madera Unified District Office’s boardroom, located at 1902 Howard Road, and via Zoom. 

    Board meetings regularly begin at 5:00 p.m. before immediately adjourning to Closed Session. The public session of the Board meetings begin at or after 6:30 p.m.

    All agendas are posted at the District Office at 1902 Howard Road and on the district’s website at least 72 hours prior to a regular board meeting. If you have questions regarding the agendas, contact the Superintendent's Office at (559) 675-4500, ext. 219 or 220. Special Board meeting agendas are posted at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. 

Last Modified on August 6, 2024