The Opportunity
We lead by our vision to set the standard for hard work, creativity, and resiliency with a fearless drive to continuously improve. Our forward-thinking culture has led to increased student success. We continue to embrace innovation to make a real impact on the future. In order to ensure we hire the best teachers for the job, we offer one of the best health care benefit packages valued at $18,803 in education throughout the Central Valley. Our teachers can also earn as much as $498.12 a day with a BA +75!

These questions frame our decisions when considering expenditures and initiatives. During our Executive Cabinet meetings, we ask ourselves each question aloud and invite debate. We want our budget, programs, and priorities to be aligned to our vision, mission, goals, beliefs, and values to ensure we’re moving the district in a positive direction our community and trustees believe in and support.
- Equity Before Equality
Will this prioritize equity before equality?
- Student-Centered
Decision making Is this focused on students’ needs?
- Collaborative Culture
Will this facilitate a collaborative culture in our district?
- Excellence for All
Will this promote excellence for all?
- Learning Organization
Will this further the development of our learning organization?
- Community Relationships
Will this foster and deepen relationships with our community partners?
- Results-Oriented
Will this be measured effectively and be results-oriented?