Madera Unified School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text, and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare:
- Receive messages from the school via email, text or app notification
- Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once at 6 pm daily
- Communicate in your preferred language
- Comment on school postings to engage in your school community
- Direct message teachers, staff and other parents
- Participate in group messages
- Sign up for parent-teacher conferences with smart online technology
- Send payments, sign forms & permission slips, receive report cards, sign up to volunteer and more all from your phone or web portal
Connect to ParentSquare
- Access your Aeries Parent Portal account
- Select Communications from the menu
- Accept the User Agreement

Download our FREE ParentSquare app for iOS or Android.
Downloading the mobile app is the easiest way to receive all Posts, Events, Sign Up Requests, Photos, and Files. Users can enable app notifications when a message is posted. Make sure you sign in with the same email listed in Aeries Parent Portal