Please click the logo below to access your district curriculum resources. You may be prompted to sign in with your MUSD Google account; please click "Log In With Google" to allow these resources to access your Google account information. If you need assistance with signing in, please contact your site's Instructional Technology Coach for help.

The MUSD Primary Tech website provides a wealth of resources and support for TK-first grade classrooms with iPads. There are lesson demo videos, iPad basics tutorials, documents to show standards alignment, and forms to request apps.
Illuminate Education is MUSD's premier partner for student assessment data analysis. Illuminate Education is also our district's online student assessment platform, it allows students take standards based CAASPP like assessments on any and every device available. We will soon be launching a new series of interim assessments in preparation of CAASPP testing. MUSD teachers please refer to the below-linked MUSD Illuminate Interim Assessment Help Guides for info. on the interim assessments.
(SECONDARY TEACHERS) MUSD Illuminate Interim Assessment Help Guide
(ELEMENTARY TEACHERS) MUSD Illuminate Interim Assessment Help Guide
We have partnered with Clever to make accessing and rostering your students easy. With the help of Clever, teachers and students will be able to sign into their accounts with a single Click. Rostered students will also be updated nightly, meaning any new students will automatically be added to your class resources.

We have partnered with McGraw-Hill to bring teachers and students a single click sign in through Google. With one click, teachers and students can automatically be logged into their accounts and access their class resources