Distance Learning Schedules
In a distance learning model, students will receive synchronous and asynchronous distance learning instruction 4 days each week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday). On Wednesday, students will participate in asynchronous distance learning tasks/activities and may receive synchronous instruction depending on the learning needs of individual students as determined by the teacher. Students will engage with assignments and learning tasks that equate to the mandatory minimum instructional minutes required for their grade level to meet AB 77 requirements. Time on Wednesday will also be dedicated to intervention support for struggling students through pop-in “office hours” and/or scheduled targeted zoom meetings, teacher collaboration & planning time, PLC, and/or professional learning sessions. For more information view the Instructional Continuity Plan 2.0.

Middle and High Schools
The following weekly schedule has been designed in order to meet the minimum number of instructional minutes that students are expected to engage in academic lessons and learning tasks/activities on a daily basis. All students will participate synchronously during the designated time per period on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday using the bell schedule below. On Wednesdays, students will meet the minimum daily instructional minutes required by completing independent learning tasks assigned equivalent to 40 minutes per period. Teachers will establish a 45-60-minute “Office Hours” session on Wednesdays and communication formats so parents can make appointments to ask questions and/or request help. In the Distance Learning model, student participation in synchronous learning time and the completion of assigned independent learning tasks will account for attendance daily. Teachers may provide a combination of asynchronous and synchronous learning activities throughout the week but are required to provide live instruction during designated times on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday. The weekly schedule below is designed to meet the daily minimum 240 instructional minute requirement for grades 7-12 while allowing additional time for planning as teachers transition into this new mode of instruction. Instructional Continuity Plan 2.0.
Middle Schools Schedules
Jefferson Middle School Schedule
King Middle School Schedule
Desmond Middle School Schedule
MaderaTEC Schedule