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    Welcome to the Personnel Commission Office!

    Our office conducts recruitments, candidate assessments, job classification, and compensation administration for classified (non-teaching) positions for Madera Unified School District.

    What is the Merit System?

    The Personnel Commission and Merit System provide the framework for the personnel management system for classified employees of the school system and for fostering the advancement of career service. The Commission enacts and implements rules and regulations pertinent to job classification, recruitment/selection and examination procedures as well as hearing procedures for appeals of disciplinary/dismissal matters, examination protests, and various other personnel practices. Section 45220 through 45320 of the Education Code and appropriate sections of the Government Code provide authority for Personnel Commission functions. The fundamental purpose of the Merit System is to ensure that employees are selected, promoted and retained without favoritism or prejudice, on the basis of merit and fitness.

    The Personnel Commission is an independent body composed of three citizens appointed for three-year staggered terms under the California Education Code.  The Personnel Commission of Madera Unified School District has been in place since September 2007.
Last Modified on May 22, 2024