MUSD Classified Professional Development Committee

  • Vision

    “Fostering Leaders”

    The Classified Professional Development Committee of Madera Unified School District believes in cultivating and empowering talented classified staff to achieve excellence in order to become Student Champions in every support position.


    Our mission is to inspire classified employees to continuously improve by providing programs and educational opportunities, professional growth, and recognition for their leadership skills, hard work, and community service in support of the Madera Unified School District Community Compact.


    • To motivate classified employees to set goals, make mindful decisions, and become student champions.
    • To deliver clear, accessible resources for classified professionals to develop a growth plan specific to their professional goals and individual leadership skills in collaboration with their supervisor.
    • To form a classified district-wide program for the recognition of classified employees.
    • To inspire collaboration and provide all classified employees with the tools, resources, and support they need to be successful and feel passionate about their work.


    • PC Director (Committee chair), Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources (Co-Chair)
    • Classified Management Representative
    • Classified Supervisor Representative
    • Classified Confidential Representative


    • Classified Annual Conference
    • Develop Training and Workshops for classified staff
    • Classified Quarterly Employee Award
    • Loretta Edwards Employee of the Year Award

    Adopted: 8.21.19

    2023-2024 Committee Members:

    Isabel Barreras - Director, Classified Personnel, Personnel Commission

    Joe Aiello - Assistant Superintendent of HR

    Aprille Meza - Human Resources Officer

    Elizabeth Soto- Chief Executive Administrative Assistant, Superintendent's Office

    Lawrence Fernandez - Director of Safety and Security

    George Garnica, Director of Communications

    Kee Vang, Director of Information Technology

    Elia Medina - Director of Parent Resource Centers

    Jonathan Chandler, District Technology Trainer

    Norma Martinez - Senior Executive Administrative Assistant - Superintendent's Office

    Desiree Ortega - Administrative Assistant V - Curriculum, Instruction & Assessments

    Amanda Vela - Administrative Specialist - Human Resources

    Mary Siegl - PC Specialist-Lead, Personnel Commission

    Brenda Tejeda-Padilla - Administrative Assistant III - Madera South High School

    Monica Ochoa, Administrative Assistant V - College and Career Readiness

    Mary Jane Falcon, Administrative Assistant V, Personnel Commission

    Alejandra Venegas-Chaves, PC Specialist, Personnel Commission



Last Modified on June 17, 2024