Loretta Edwards Employee of the Year Award

  • Loretta Edward Employee of the Year Award 


    Purpose of Award

    • Recognize outstanding full-time and part-time permanent classified staff who exemplify the District’s standards for excellence, high expectations, and are Student Champions;
    • Reward employees who show exemplary individual achievement, contribution, and performance in their jobs and other related duties beyond their own offices;
    • Acknowledge someone whose efforts have inspired and supported the performance and achievement of students and others;

    Who is eligible?

    • All Classified Quarterly Employee Nominations for the year.

    Criteria for Award

    • Leadership Service: leads by helping others; motivates or inspires others to excel; team cooperation; exemplary work performance; professional development (attendance at trainings and workshops).
    • Outstanding Service to the District: support for the school district-at-large and its goals: serving on committees related to district or site/department related issues: participation or volunteerism in site/department events outside of normal work duties.
    • Commitment to the students within the school site/department (indirectly or directly): serves in a leadership role supporting students; serves as an advocate for students; going above and beyond to promote student success through work, volunteering, or mentoring.
    • Community Involvement: volunteering with an outside organization/community activities or committing time to enrich the life of an individual or community.


    • The Selection Committee will comprise one member from each of the following organizations: the MUSD Board of Trustee, the Personnel Commissioner and the Madera Linkage Foundation.
    • The Selection Committee will use a Selection Rubric scoring sheet to rate the nomination forms.


    • The employee will be recognized by the Superintendent at a Board of Trustee Meeting.
    • The employee will receive an engraved award.
    • The employee’s name will be engraved on a perpetual plaque to be displayed at the MUSD District Office.
    • The employee’s name will appear on the MUSD Communication Weekly Staff email.


Last Modified on June 17, 2024