The Madera Unified School District has been growing by leaps and bounds over the past decade. MUSD’s enrollment is over 20,000 students for the first time in its history.
Through careful advance planning and a big assistance from the community, Madera Unified has prepared well for such an increase in enrollment. In November 2002, Madera voters passed Measure B, a $46 million bond that provided funding for the construction of three elementary schools, a middle school, and a high school. Then in November 2006, Madera voters once again showed their commitment to education and MUSD by passing Measure U, a $32.5 million bond that funded various projects including the construction of Parkwood Elementary School and the newly constructed Virginia Lee Rose Elementary School, which opened August 2017. In November 2014, Madera voters passed Measure G, a $70 million bond for the construction of the District’s 3rd comprehensive high school, Matilda Torres High School, located at Martin Street and Road 26. And most recently, in November 2018, Measure M – a $120 million bond was passed by Madera voters to fund various projects including the construction of the new Madera Technical Exploration Center.
Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (More Info) A Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee is in place to oversee that all of the school district's spending is used solely for new school construction or facility renovation. That committee meets regularly to supervise all bond spending.