Air Guidelines for Outdoor Activity

  • Perry Weather Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) readings listed in the 3-widgets and chart below are NOT basic air temperatures.  WBGT readings are calculated using a WBGT device that takes into account factors like humidity, solar radiation, and wind speed to provide a more accurate assessment of heat stress.  


    1. 1. Identify the Perry Weather WBGT reading for your school. 
      1. Madera High = Blue Pyramid Schools
      2. Madera South = Purple Pyramid Schools
      3. Torres High = Red Pyramid Schools
    2. 2. Find appropriate actions allowed per WBGT reading in the MUSD Outdoor Activity Guideline chart. 
    3. 3. Schools must react appropriately within 30 minutes.

Perry Weather Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Readings

MUSD Outdoor Activity Guideline Chart

WBGT Readings
Last Modified on October 7, 2024