Presenter: Jaime Brown, MUSD Coordinator of PE & Athletics; Synopsis: includes information regarding Thriving Schools Integrated Assessment data collected and reported by every MUSD comprehensive school. Draft 2 includes year three data. A final draft decision must be made about including or not including qualitative data with quantitative data. And, if qualitative data is included, should it be reported by school or only include district highlights.
Schools will be utilizing this guidance to help support award applications specific to, but not limited to Supporting School Health Services, Implementing Local School Wellness Policy, and Bolstering Physical Education and Activity.
Presenter: Carsten Christensen, MUSD Coordiantor of California Community Schools Partnership Program; Synopsis: includes an overview of two grants that support the creation/enhancement of partnerships between MUSD and community organizations with a goal to offer a range of services and opportunities for children, youth, families, and communities. Supports Physical Activity, Health Education, Health Services, Social and Emotional School Climate, Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services, Employee Wellness, Community Involvement, and Family Engagement.
Presenter: Chia Vue, Program Manager, Regional, Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Synopsis: National Healthy Schools Program deadlines and requirements are reviewed.
Presenter: Jaime Brown, Coordinator of PE & Athletics - MUSD, presented James Gambrell, Director of CARD -MUSD to the committee. Synopsis: The CARD mission is to build a stronger culture around unified expectations of support, skill-building, and sportsmanship to inspire greater levels of personal, team, school, and community excellence. The objective of CARD is to provide additional opportunities for students to engage in physical activity beyond their school athletic programs, and establish a fundamental athletic foundation that feeds into our Middle and High Schools.
Presenter: Jaime Brown, Coordinator of PE & Athletics, MUSD. Synopsis: The Madera South Walk-a-Thon was shared as a wellness highlight. The 2023 MUSD Triennial Assessment was shared. It has been publicly posted and can be accessed on the WELLNESS WEBPAGE or by clicking HERE. The Healthy Schools Thriving Schools Integrated Assessment, award guide, and application process was shared utilizing the Madera South account as an example [viewing rights are only provided to account holders].
Presenter: Brian Chiarito, Director of Child Nutrition, MUSD. Synopsis: Breakfast and lunch service data, department celebrations and highlights, current projects and planning stages, and upcoming construction projects were shared.
Presenter: Jaime Brown, Coordinator of PE & Athletics, MUSD. Synopsis: The Cesar Chavez Playground Stencil Project was shared as a wellness highlight. Other items included the number of schools applying for the 2024 MUSD Healthy Schools Award, current Physical Fitness Testing data in relation to school accountability report cards and Healthy Fitness Zones created by the K-12 Physical Education Department, District Wellness Policy Revisions including Board Policy and Administrative Regulations, and a newly created Reference Guide for PE in CA Schools.
Presenter: Karen DeOrian, MUSD Director of School Culture and Climate; Synopsis: includes an overview of data specific to student perceptions of school safety and sense of belonging amongst students and staff.
Presenter: Jaime Brown, MUSD Coordinator of PE & Athletics; Synopsis: includes information regarding Thriving Schools Integrated Assessment data collected and reported by every MUSD comprehensive school.
Presenter: Karen DeOrian, MUSD Director of School Culture and Climate; Synopsis: includes an overview of SEL Advisory Lessons and the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP) grant.
Presenter: Jaime Brown, MUSD Coordinator of PE & Athletics; Synopsis: includes information regarding air quality resources, CA PFT expectations for the 2021-2022 school year, and family life education.
Presentador: Jaime Brown, Coordinador de Educación Física y Atletismo de MUSD; Sinopsis: incluye información sobre los recursos de calidad del aire, las expectativas de CA PFT para el año escolar 2021-2022 y la educación para la vida familiar.
Presenter: Karen DeOrian, MUSD Director of School Culture and Climate; Synopsis: includes information regarding MUSD employee wellness opportunities and social emotional learning support for students.
Presentadora: Karen DeOrian, Directora de Cultura y Ambiente Escolar de MUSD; Sinopsis: incluye información sobre las oportunidades de bienestar de los empleados de MUSD y el apoyo al aprendizaje socioemocional para los estudiantes.
Presenter: Karen DeOrian, MUSD Director of School Culture and Climate; Synopsis: includes an overview of data specific to student perceptions of school climate because research shows that school climate strongly influences students' motivation to learn and improve academic achievement. Data is pulled from the Panorama Survey.
Presenter: Jaime Brown, MUSD Coordinator of PE & Athletics; Synopsis: includes information regarding the Alliance for a Healthier Generation - Healthy Schools Program, and how to create a free account.
Presenter: Jaime Brown, MUSD Coordinator of PE & Athletics; Synopsis: The MUSD Wellness Policy Trifold Pamphlet will be shared with students, parents, and MUSD employees at health events and schools.
Presenters: Elizabeth Lopez, Nutrition Program Supervisor, UCCE & Mrs. Shallberger, Teacher, Madison Elementary & Madison students & Jessica Gil-Bautista. Synopsis: Includes information regarding water fountains, water bottles, and projects involving the enhancement of potable water opportunities at schools. Madison Elementary students and supporting adults utilized awarded grant funds to enhance hydration stations in the 2021-2022 school year.
Presenter: Karen DeOrian, Director of School Culture and Climate; Synopsis: includes Restorative Practices (RP), Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Presenter: Jaime Brown, TSA PE Health and Nutrition; Synopsis: includes PE online resources, equipment information, and safe routes to school debrief (also refered to as pedestrian safety).
Presenter: Karina Macias; Synopsis: includes methods of support for youth programs at school sites serviced and methods of support for adult programs via MUSD Parent Resource Centers. Methods of support include student education, parent education, wellness events, and School Health Councils.
Presenter: Elia Medina, Health Education Specialist; Synopsis: includes the purpose, process, and highlights of Washington Elementary School's Walking School Bus Program and installation of sidewalks on streets surrounding the school.
Moderator: Jaime Brown, TSA PE Health and Nutrition; Synopsis: LEAs are required to have a written local wellness policy (LWP) and conduct an assessment of the policy at least once every three years. This Triennial Assessment DRAFT determines compliance with the wellness policy, how the wellness policy compares to model wellness policies, and progress made in attaining the goals of the wellness policy. The assessment is being created and revised during the 2020-2021 school year in order to ensure all WSCC model components are included on annual MUSD wellness assessments utilizing a uniform template.
Synopsis: The Healthy Schools Assessment is a subset of questions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's School Health Index that allows schools and districts to assess their health policies and programs in the areas of: Policy & Environment, Nutrition Services, Smart Snacks, Health & Physical Education, Physical Activity and Employee Wellness.
Synopsis: The Resilience in School Environments (RISE) Initiative empowers schools to create safe and supportive learning environments by developing policies and practices that improve the social-emotional health of all students and staff. This assessment tool was reviewed as a possible model that can be utilized to ensure that MUSD WSCC model components that fall under the Student and Family Support Services umbrella are represented in MUSD's Triennial Assessment Tool. A sub-committee has been created to review additional assessment tools in more detail.
Presenter: Jaime Brown, TSA PE Health and Nutrition; Synopsis: includes WSCC Model overview, PE instructional focus for February 2021, and physical activity focus for May 2021.
Presenter: Karen DeOrian, Director of School Culture and Climate; Synopsis: includes a data summary from the Wellness Survey provided by Panorama Education. The survey was admistered to MUSD 3rd-12th grade students and all employees in November 2020.
Moderator: Jaime Brown, TSA PE Health and Nutrition; Synopsis: LEAs are required to have a written local wellness policy (LWP) and conduct an assessment of the policy at least once every three years. This Triennial Assessment DRAFT 2 determines compliance with the wellness policy, how the wellness policy compares to model wellness policies, and progress made in attaining the goals of the wellness policy. The assessment is being created and revised during the 2020-2021 school year in order to ensure all WSCC model components are included on annual MUSD wellness assessments utilizing a uniform template.
The training will allow participatnts to learn about walking and biking safety strategies, conduct a virtual walking and biking assessment, and plan for community programs and infrastructure projects. The training will occur on Wednesday, June, 2021, 3:30pm - 5:30pm. Zoom link: . Meeting ID: 865-3313-1321 .
Presenter: Andrea Fillebrown, Health Education Coordinator Madera County Department of Public Health; Synopsis: includes information regarding MUSD elementary school stencil projects, as well as elementary and secondary gardens.
Presenter: Elia Medina, Health Education Specialist Madera County Department of Public Health; Synopsis: includes information regarding MUSD elementary school walk audit processes.
Presenter: Elia Medina, Health Education Specialist Madera County Department of Public Health; Synopsis: includes information regarding MUSD elementary school walk audit processes.
Presenter: Elia Medina, Health Education Specialist Madera County Department of Public Health; Synopsis: includes information regarding MUSD elementary school walk audit processes.
Presenter: Elia Medina, Health Education Specialist Madera County Department of Public Health; Synopsis: includes information regarding MUSD elementary school walk audit processes.
Presenter: Brian Chiarito, Director of Child Nutrition Madera Unified School District; Synopsis: includes information regarding MUSD meal distribution processes during the pandemic, meal distribution data during the pandemic, upcoming summer meal distribution information, and 2021-2022 school year meal distribution pre-planning.
Presenter: Karen DeOrian, Director School Culture and Climate Madera Unified School District; Synopsis: includes information regarding MUSD employee wellness opportunities such as Grief and Loss Groups, Mindfullness classes, Sound Therapy classes, Yoga classes, adult social emotional learning extension activities, and more.